How we help you find a job


Understand your vision

We strive to get to know you—your abilities, goals and dreams for the future. After the initial interviews, we will continue to keep in touch.
A job can change everything. It can make your daily life either fulfilling or miserable. Since we are in the position to help you find the right job, we will strive to build your trust and to really get to know you.
Our thorough interview will help us determine the lifestyle you’re seeking and the future you envision.

Identify a match

Based on your wishes and aptitude, we will match you to an appropriate job selected from a large volume of opportunities.
In addition to conducting interviews with you, we will ask you to take an aptitude test. Using the combined results, we will identify the job most suited to you from among those currently available in our system. In its 20 years of service, Pan-Pacific has placed a large number of job seekers. Given our large number of client companies, we are confident that we will match you to a job that meets your expectations.

Introduce your potential employer to you

We do a thorough check and make preparations in advance of your actual interview to ensure that your job hunt is as easy as possible.
Once a potential job is identified, and you wish to apply, our staff will contact that company’s HR staff and promote your strengths and selling points.
We will keep in close communication with both you and your potential employer prior to the job interview, ensuring that neither you nor your potential employer wastes valuable time. This is one of the reasons we are so highly recognized by job seekers, as well as the HR staff of our clients.


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